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Teach Your Children to Read at Home

Teaching is something many people around the globe fear to do. It is considered one of the hardest jobs on earth as guiding someone on what to do is never an easy task. There comes a time where as a parent, you have no option but to teach your kids how to enjoy books and appreciate reading even in the absence of their teacher!

It may be hard since you've spent the first few years of their life feeding, dressing and keeping them clean, but now is the time to get them ready to excel in school in the upcoming years. You don't have to provide full homeschooling services, but an hour per day can move mountains.

If you provide a positive environment and let them grow by example, they'll learn to enjoy reading even when they are at home. In this context, I will show you how you can easily have homeschool programs that your kids can follow daily.

Covid19 / Pandemic of 2020

Many parents were forced to become part-time teachers when Covid19 hit the world. Schools were closed in the middle of March, as well as most businesses in the United States, keeping parents and students locked down in their homes until the end of the school year.

Teachers were unsung heroes in most cases using technology like Zoom, Zearn, and Google Classroom to teach, but the separation left an undeniable void.

During this time parents were thrust into being teachers for their children and the importance of knowing the fundamentals of teaching a child to read became important.

Many people are turning to online courses to prepare themselves to teach their children how to read and write.

Understanding How Your Child Learns

One of the main tips to help your kids on homeschooling is to learn what they like doing when you are not there. This helps reveal the skills that the child possesses so that you will not impose a method of learning that may not work for your child.

Learning requires activities such as vocabulary, playing with sounds and reading of different stories. Constant exposure and practice with these skills and activities will help them to improve daily, and show them they can do it even when they have no teacher around.

Make Use of Technology to Engage Your Children

Technology is one of the growing mechanisms around the globe; many people are embracing the power of the internet to learn and also help others learn.

As a parent, you should ensure that your kids enjoy the process of reading so that they're motivated to keep reading.

You can make use of fun apps and websites that will not only excite your child but also enable them to focus on doing it more to move to the next level. As a parent, you will have played a massive role in your kids reading skills as they improve exponentially.

Playing Word Games at Home

Another great idea to help your child improve reading skills is through playing word games. Add word games to your daily routine or family game night beginning with easy games like kid-friendly trivia, and move into tougher games like Scrabble.

You can plan this daily, maybe after or before they can have dinner. Play the game with them so that your kids will Grow by Example!

Ask Questions When You're Reading With Your Child

For a child to quickly learn how to read efficiently, they always need someone with them to help motivate them and show them that reading is really fun. They also appreciate the fact that you are interested in doing what they are doing.

You may read the book, thereby making it enjoyable for the kid. Put emphasis on keywords and vocabulary, and give them a chance to answer questions in the right way. Let them focus on what you are reading and give them a chance to read too. It will improve their skills both in writing and thinking.

Take Time to Understand Your Kids

As you teach your kids to focus on the way to read efficiently, you find that they may have low reading skills. You may even train them for a month without them getting anything, but as a parent, you need to be patient. Let them learn one thing at a time.

It helps if you do not put too much pressure on them if they aren't picking it up quickly. By doing so, you will make them hate learning and reading, which might affect them even when they go back to school!

There is always the need to teach your kids how to read while they are at home. Being proficient readers not only helps them focus while at home but also at school.

By considering the above points, your kids will never forget to bring their books while on vacation or a weekend at grandma's.

Teach your child today, and their future will be much brighter.

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