Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

Book Written by David Goggins

"Can't Hurt Me" is a memoir written by David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and ultra-marathon runner. In the book, Goggins shares his journey from a difficult upbringing and troubled childhood to becoming one of the most successful endurance athletes in the world.

Early Life

Goggins grew up in a rough neighborhood and was constantly bullied as a child. He struggled with obesity and low self-esteem, and was often overlooked and underestimated by those around him. Despite these challenges, Goggins had a burning desire to succeed and prove himself. He joined the military and worked his way up to becoming a SEAL, but even then he struggled to find acceptance and respect from his peers.

Ultra-Marathon Running

It wasn't until Goggins discovered the world of ultra-marathon running that he truly found his calling. He began training for and competing in grueling endurance races, pushing himself to his physical and mental limits. Through sheer determination and perseverance, Goggins became a world-class athlete and broke numerous records.

Thoughts on the Book

Throughout the book, Goggins shares the lessons he learned along the way and the mindset that helped him overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He emphasizes the importance of setting goals, pushing through pain and suffering, and never giving up. Goggins also stresses the importance of mental toughness and the role it plays in achieving success.

One of the most striking aspects of "Can't Hurt Me" is Goggins' honesty and vulnerability. He doesn't shy away from sharing the difficult and often painful experiences he's had, and his story is all the more powerful for it. Goggins' message of resilience and determination is inspiring and motivating, and his book is sure to appeal to anyone looking to overcome their own challenges and achieve their goals.